Hi, I'm Patrick

Product Manager Consultant

I help exciting businesses solve difficult problems and build impactful products that their customers love and ultimately deliver desired business outcomes.Aside from product stuff, I support other professionals to discover fulfilling career paths in ITThis is my digital home for all my adventures and experiments

© Cayce Pollard. All rights reserved.

Profile Boost

Boost your LinkedIn profile to work for you

Are you changing careers?
Have a Linkedin profile that gets no traction?
Confused about how to position your LinkedIn profile?
- 94% of recruiters are searching for talent on LinkedIn
- A comprehensive LinkedIn profile increases interviews by 71%
I personally went from 800 job applications, 3 interviews, and 1 offer, to literally 0 job applications and multiple offers.I will help turn your LinkedIn profile into a magnet for job opportunities!Stop chasing recruiters/hiring managers. Instead, let recruiters chase you with offers.Maximise your value and achieve your career goals faster with an optimised LinkedIn profile


Originally from Nigeria, I came to the UK to study for my undergraduate degree, fell in love with the UK (and with Patricia) and decided to settle.I built my first product at age 21 (without knowing it) after watching the Social Network movie (how facebook was formed). I decided to build a news reader app for Africa because there was none. We called it inTime.Hired some developers, designed the website and the UX for the app and boom, we launched (without any product discovery or market research). It failed just like many other projects failed!My curiosity led me to complete a PhD in Technology Entrepreneurship but I quickly discovered that academics wasn't for me. It was tough and I fell into depression twice in 4 years.PhD done, I decided to go against the norm and get into industry. I wanted to really join FDM - an IT training and placement consultancy but was ghosted 3 times without any explanation even after passing their interview.Broke, in debt, and with a 1-year-old child, I decided to bet on myself. I completed a Business Analyst course, applied for over 800 jobs and was rejected or ghosted by about 795. Had 4 interviews and eventually had an offer that began my journey.My journey gave me a deep sense of purpose, gratitude, and hunger to:#1. Help other professionals discover fulfilling career paths in IT, and#2. Support young adults in Africa to acquire digital skills that will enable them to become freelancers and self-sufficient.#3. Build meaningful and impactful products.


Thanks so much for spending your time with me. I really appreciate it.I love working with smart and interesting people from all walks of life.If you have an idea for a collaboration, want to have chat on a podcast, or hire me to speak to audience, then let's chat.

Thank you

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